Following you will find a complete list of all services our company con offer to businesses interested in starting their Asian experiences, or to those who started it already and would like to make it better.
Monte Bianco can help your organization to source the best product at the best conditions, ensuring steady quality, on time deliveries, and verifying quality and consistency of all shipments.
If you are looking for a reliable partner to start manufacturing some of your products in Asia, Monte Bianco can guide you trough all the options and help you to choose the best partner in the best country for your product. We can also help you in setting up your own manufacturing unit, either fully owned or together with some local partners.
Fabrics of all kind, including special functional fabrics and laminated fabrics. Polyammide, Polyester, Aramidic, Polypropylene, Modacrylic, Viscose, Cotton, Wool, Linen, Elastane, PTFE and more.
Garement manufacturing. Woven, Knitted, Seam taped waterproof, Ultrasonic welding.
Personal Protective equipments. Head protection, goggles and visors, respiratory protection, gloves, shoes, fall protection.